ggdag - Analyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs
Tidy, analyze, and plot directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). 'ggdag' is built on top of 'dagitty', an R package that uses the 'DAGitty' web tool (<>) for creating and analyzing DAGs. 'ggdag' makes it easy to tidy and plot 'dagitty' objects using 'ggplot2' and 'ggraph', as well as common analytic and graphical functions, such as determining adjustment sets and node relationships.
Last updated 4 months ago
12.39 score 438 stars 6 packages 1.9k scripts 5.3k downloadshalfmoon - Techniques to Build Better Balance
Build better balance in causal inference models. 'halfmoon' helps you assess propensity score models for balance between groups using metrics like standardized mean differences and visualization techniques like mirrored histograms. 'halfmoon' supports both weighting and matching techniques.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.71 score 15 stars 69 scripts 360 downloadstidysmd - Tidy Standardized Mean Differences
Tidy standardized mean differences ('SMDs'). 'tidysmd' uses the 'smd' package to calculate standardized mean differences for variables in a data frame, returning the results in a tidy format.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.33 score 9 stars 1 packages 16 scripts 360 downloads